The ladies who support are:

Penelope Cruz - 'Los Abrazos Rotos'
Perhaps category fraud, but she serves the story in support. Sexy vibrant and a little bit on the verge. She keeps getting better. Clip

Marcia Gay Harden - 'Whip It'
She layers this character so well. Brittle, warm, sexy, confident, loving, together all in one package. She sees past the caricature. Clip

Diane Kruger - 'Inglourious Basterds'
The consummate actress/spy, yet the reality of the situation and the fear are always showing behind the eyes. Clip

Melanie Laurent - 'Inglourious Basterds'
The scene where she is forced to eat with the man who almost destroyed her was magnificent. The fact that she kept up that level of acting after was no small feat. Clip

Mo'Nique - 'Precious'
The execution of Mary Jones was key, and Mo'Nique delivered a soul shaking performance of a very damaged woman. Best of the decade. Clip

Rosamund Pike - 'An Education'
Come across as dumb, but plays it on so many level that she quickly becomes the most intriguing character in the film. Clip