Monday 21 May 2007

Bussmann's Holiday

Nira Park, producer of Hot Fuzz, is working on an adaptation of Jane Bussmann's one-woman stage show Bussmann's Holiday. Park will develop the project through her Big Talk Productions. It is a comedy based on the true story of Bussman's career. Last year, Bussmann realised that she had "worked my entire adult life being useless": essentially, writing about inane celebrities for fashion magazines. So she decided to do something useful and travelled to Uganda, where she ended up in the heart of the war zone, interviewing military leaders and children kidnapped to bolster Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army, and discovering just how little the Museveni government is doing to resolve the situation.

But what Bussmann also reveals, pricelessly, is that she only went to Uganda because she has the hots for an American peacemaker intermittently working there; that she spent her entire time in Uganda blundering about idiotically; and that - as you might expect from a writer of South Park – demonstrates that she can spin twisted, brilliant gags out of the unlikeliest of material.
Visiting camps full of maimed, raped children, she says: "I'd not seen such a depressing sight since I caught my ex-boyfriend wanking and crying at the same time." Terrible, but funny at the same time.
It will be interesting to see how this is pulled off. One person shows can be hard to pull off, the most successful one I can think of it ”Wit”. If it can be pulled off it could be brilliant.

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