Monday 14 May 2007

A rather weak 'Heart'

Firstly I was one of those out there that really felt this role should have gone to a mixed race actress and not Angelina Jolie. Sure she has the looks to pass as Mariane Pearl who is of Afro-Cuban and Dutch ancestry, but could not of an actress such as Joy Bryant (pictured) or Rosario Dawson taken on this role? Sure the studios would have wanted a big name to get movie goers into the seats, but at what cost? What black/mixed/non white actress could have taken on the role on Ruby in ‘Cold Mountain’ and gotten awards attention, likely more deserved that lemon faces hamming. As long as Hollywood keeps diluting race down, how ever will this world unite?
Anyway the trailer for ‘ A Mighty Heart ’ looks a little, well, meh. Not feeling the drama, not feeling what I see of her performance, not really feeling that this is a movie people should be concerned with come awards season. See for yourself.


Anonymous said...

I am totally offended that a white woman is playing Mariane Pearl.. in fact I was discussing this with some people this evening. I would be offended if I were Ms Pearl, and I be offended if I were a Black actor. I read an article about her and Pearl and Jolie and the film, and they didn't even mention the race discrepancy.. Unbelieveable!

Anonymous said...

I can't fathom why it would be offensive that Angelina Jolie (whose complexion mirrors the real life complexion of Mariane Pearl) would play this role.

Halle Berry is was given the role of Tierney Cahill (a white woman - not a bi-racial woman) and there's no uproar on that. Or is there? Are you equally offended?

So you insist that a woman such as Pearl (who has some African blood in her, no matter how slight) must be played by a black woman although her heritage is as much Chinese and Dutch. But when a white woman is played by a half black woman (Tierney/Berry), you're A-Okay on that front.

Now who is the racist?! You're a pathetic hypocrite!

Hanna Greene (