Tuesday 23 March 2010

"You can't be fat and mean"

I just want her to prove them all wrong!

This little sneak peak couldn't come at a better time since I read this piece of casting news from Empire.

I had previously read in Variety that she was being considered for the lead. I was furious since the book (which is wonderful) has three leads. Skeeter (Stone), Minney (an black maid who cannot keep her opinions silent) and Abeline (an older black maid who is fiercely intelligent but keeps this quiet).
Of course Hollywood would have these two lead characters as supporting and make it all about the brave white woman helping the poor blacks. I hope against hope that this is a three lead film, with a slew of rich supporting players.

I am also hoping that someone hands the script to Sidibe as she would be fantabulous as Minney.

Someone make this happen!

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