Friday 14 March 2008

MAFFE Awards 2008!! The Editors and Cinematographers

These two categories are so important in giving the film it's overall look and flow. If you succeed in this, you can make a dull boring film vivid and captivating.

The nominees are!

Reading left to right (like a book).

"Into The Wild" - Jay Cassidy
The Action, Adventure, Romance and Drama all blended together flawlessly.

"No Country for Old Men" - Joel and Ethan Coen
The pacing was so intense I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

"Ratatouille" - Darren T. Holmes
Sure it may be animated but he took you from chase scenes to kitchen chaos brilliantly.

"The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" - Juliette Kaminski
The the eyes opening, staying in his world throughout the film was deftly handled

"There WIll Be BLood" - Dylan Tichenor
Another case of masterful pacing. One of those films you know you should be bored in, but just are not.

"Zodiac" - Angus Wall
How I didn't notice the time in such a long movie is simply amazing.

Seamus McGarvey - "Atonement"
Every scene painted with beauty and drama. Brilliant use of colour and framing.

Martin Ruhe - "Control"
Take any frame from this and you have a stunning record sleeve.

Alwin H. Kuchler - "Sunshine"
The hot of the sun and and cold of space made me sweat and shiver.

Roger Deakins - "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"
The Master once again stuns.

Janusz Kaminski - "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"
Totally inventive and clever while at stunningly poetic and at time horrific.

Robert Elswit - "There Will Be Blood"
I could feel the dryness of the desert in my mouth. Simply Epic work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also loved the technical work on Sunshine.
Can't wait to see the rest.