Friday 31 October 2008

Cleopatra...coming at ya!

Yes yes, we all know about the Soderbergh/Cleopatra musical movie which he is hoping to start next spring, but what I really want to know is what will this film look like?

I have no idea what a Steven Soderbergh musical would look like? It seems almost utterly left of centre and unimaginable which is why I am thinking it is going to be brilliant.

Finally Hugh Jackman is going to have a role where he gets to utilize all of his talents! Singing, dancing, acting (all topless please.....scrap that...make it a naked musical - like the pic!) his way into our hearts. Between this 'Wolverine' and 'Australia' I am seriously ready to break many a kidnapping law.

Apparently a little bird told me that Soberbergh has been working on this idea for a while yet, on the sly. Also he is adamant that it is going to be a lot of fun so I am assuming they are going to tamper with history and leave out the assisted suicide angleIt sounds so promising, let's just hope he decides to scrap filming it in 3D.

Nothing ruins the movie going experience more than having to remember to put on your glasses.


Dame James said...

I'm excited for the wacky idea to come to life, but I'm even more excited by the Cleopatra girl group reference in the title! I used to love them back in the day (hell, I still like a couple of their songs).

Michael Parsons said...

Of course...I loved it too! Cleopatra Comin At Ya!

Notas Sobre Creación Cultural e Imaginarios Sociales said...

That Soderbergh man clearly doesn't give a damn about box office.
First a Casablanca inspired black and white WWII thriller.
Then that weird movie with the dolls and the factory, later a two day long epic biopic about a Communist revolutionary and now a musical!
You just gotta love his boldness, is there any other mainstream director making those choices?

Michael Parsons said...

i love the fact that he is fearless