Tuesday 10 November 2009

Links are all Precious

I was trying not to post movie related news on Tuesdays. This day was completely reserved for music appreciation.
However since the remaining six days of the week are dedicated to movies, there will always be some bleed over.

Also it has been a while since I linked to any stories that have caught my eye and made me want to share (there have been plenty, but I get lazy typing out the target= crap to set my links up.

Anyway here are some things that I have found very note worthy:

To start with a music post, go over to Arjan Writes and check out this gorgeous track by Gadsdens.

My New Plaid Pants has a look at some of the concept art for Singers version of X=Men 3.
If only he had not bothered with that forgettable 'Superman Returns' thing (any excuse to get into Brandons' pants) and gone and treated the Dark Phoenix story with the respect it so clearly deserved.
Perhaps he can be convinced to revisit it.
All these X-Men movies being made revolving around specific characters (mainly men) is getting out of hand.
Although if they were to do a Storm film, and make her as amazing as she is in the comics, I would not complain.
Since Storm was a Kenyan princess any casting choices would have to stay true.

As I completely loved ‘Precious’ I of course am going to point out any new/reviews/tid bits. AICN have been VERY lazy when it comes to reporting on the movie. I guess because it doesn’t really fit the fan boy category. However Capone wrote a wonderful review of the film.
You know how reading a review can help you relive the film? Not good when reading at work and getting a bit emotionally wobbly.

The Film Experience takes a look at one of my favourite performances, even though at the time I was not a huge fan, it has grown on me over the years, and despite who she was, or could have been up against for Oscar, I do not begrudge her win.

'Disgrace' the film that had a tiny little buzz for John Malkovich's performance gets a typically insightful review by José over at Movie Kick Ass

Well it looks like 2010 will be another Clint Eastwoodlate release Oscar contender year. Jesus Clint! Can you just release films in October/November please? It is getting so ridiculous and just screams "I WANT ANOTHER OSCAR". It is all so boring.

The Top Ten Reasons to Make Gay Marriage Illegal via Modern Fabulosity. Hysterical.

Empire reviews the 'Alice in Wonderland' poster. Am I the only one who is not overly sold on the look of the film?

And finally, back to music - sort of. Sometime a magazine cover just needs to be framed. MUST GET MY HANDS ON THIS

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