Tuesday 13 May 2008

Dance your cares away...

...worries for another day.

The Fraggles will encounter ALIENS!!!! (which are actually human being.....get it!)

The Weinsteins are going to make the "Fraggle Rock" movie according to Variety.
First the Muppets, now the Fraggles. Am I the only one wishing for a "Lamb Chop" movie?

1 comment:

Notas Sobre Creación Cultural e Imaginarios Sociales said...

Hahaha omg I'd totally forgotten the Fraggles existed!
I loved Lamb Chop growing up (that episode with "The Nanny" was brilliant!), but with Shari gone it probably will be hard to get through.
I hope we never gte to see a Teletubbies movie though, those scare the crap out of me.