Friday 23 January 2009

You can't make everyone happy.

And so spoke Zoe to Poppy while rowing a boat in London near the end of Mike Leighs wonderful and winning film 'Happy-Go-Lucky'.
It turns out this is unfortunately true, but there was no harm in Sally trying.

So why was Sally Hawkins not nominated, especially over Angelina Jolie?
That is the question I want the Academy to answer...and now dammit.
I think most people would agree that not only was she fantastic in the role, but it was an extremely difficult role to pull off, and not only did she, but she added amazing layers to Poppy. Most critics agree, so why not SAG, BAFTA and Oscar?

Here are some possible reasons:
For starters, BAFTA is a joke. They move their awards to become a precursor to Oscar. That shows no backbone and no striving to be different. It seems they have bowed down to the US film industry. They seem to be sending out a message that, yes, America does it better, by putting best British film in a category all it's own. Shouldn't it should be Best Film, and then a Best non-British film category? That category simply makes it seem like they are admitting to being less then they are. Very sad indeed. I mean 'Mama Mia' better than 'Happy-Go-Lucky'? Please.

In the past 10 years, this is the lowest showing for non North American actors, with only 3 nominated (Kate, Heath, Penelope). Each of those actors were in very high profile films (Best Pic Nominee, Highest Grossing Film and Woody's return). Sally is in a small film, and a comedy at that. No matter how many precursor awards she clocked up, it would always be an uphill battle with SAG and Oscar.

Oscar voters are miserable people. I mean look at the films they choose for Best Picture. They love to wallow in grief. Even 'Slumdog' is pretty grim in places. 'Happy-Go-Lucky' is a comedy with a permanently happy and joyous person as the lead. I can see how she could be annoying to the old misery guts of the Academy.

Brangelina at the awards was too much to pass up. They need some ratings boost since they were gonna snub The Dark Knight anyway (then again is the child collecting couple really that much of a draw anymore?)

She was just far too good and made it all look too easy. Remember the Academy like to see that you are acting, how else can they judge? They need the accent, make up, weight gains, no make up, ticks and big emotional scenes because that, dear readers, is what acting is all about. Noticeability.

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