Thursday 26 February 2009


So I was going to do a year in advance predictions however I changed my mind. I was walking through the maze of London underground thinking if I should predict Michael Caine for 'Harry Brown' (pictured)when it occurred to me.
Who the f*ck cares.
Sure there are a lot of fellow bloggers who do these predictions, and I look forward to them every year (mainly because they give a voice to films that may have not been on my horizon), but I just do not care. Hence doing a sort of 'Most Anticipated' by Oscar category.

Firstly I do not want to waste time stressing over who will get nominated for what, and watching movies solely to pick them apart. I simply want to sit back and enjoy the films.

Secondly it takes a hell of a lot of research to do this and although I have the time, I realize there are people out there who are much much better at it. So I will be linking to them instead and I will concentrate on other things.

Thirdly (is that a word?) every time it is more of a case of wishful thinking and heart over head. I end up looking totally idiotic to myself.

Lastly, to accurately be able to predict, in advance the outcome of the Oscars, I would have to think like an Academy member. That is the last person I would like to think like.

To be honest, 'Shutter Island' does not excite me, s why waste time writing about it. Sure I may watch it and love it, but what is the point. Should the point of this blog be to talk about the things that I like? It is amazing how I have lost track of the point of My Stuff and Crap. Secondly I really wish I could change the name and url of this site. Anyone know how?

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