Saturday 10 January 2009

Mini Review - "Milk"

I am not the biggest bio-pic fan in the world. I usually find them rather dull, and with performances that, most of the time, are nothing but mimicry (there are those that transcend into something wonderful). The ones that come immediately to mind are ‘Erin Brokovich’ and ‘A Mighty Heart’ but those films had bigger fish to fry than just the telling of one persons story.

‘Milk’ will have to be added to these films. In the 30 years since his death, gay rights have taken a great leap forward, and recently, a few steps back.

Harvey Milk fought for gay rights, the rights many of the youth today take for granted (especially over here in London where the only fight they seem to deal with is the daily fight of getting into their skinny jeans). So it is fitting that 30 years later Gus Van Sant brings us this deeply moving, vastly entertaining film about the life of someone who was and still is, a symbol of hope to many.

Sean Penn, well, there are no words I can come up with. Other reviewers are much more eloquent that I am. I will use clichés like ‘he disappears into the role’, so let me just leave it at he deserves every accolade thrown at him. It goes far past mimicry to become something altogether completely whole and real.
As Dan White Josh Brolin continues his acting showcases by making this villainous historical character into something you as the viewer can feel sympathy for. That is a feat indeed.
Equally impressive is James Franco who inhabits his supporting wife character with ease and charm. Emile Hirsch also impresses greatly. His fast wit and camp demeanour help flesh out a rather small role and help keep things light for the viewer...'cause we all know what is coming.

On a more personal note, growing up in Bermuda, where being gay was only made legal when I was 18, and equal rights to this day is still a pipe dream, 'Milk' reminds me yet again that even though we have come far...we have so much further to go. Put on your walking shoes people.



J.D. said...

Mine are permanently taped on.

Anonymous said...

I saw the Milk documentary in college and was amazed. I went into this one with reservations mainly because I didn't think it would come close to the documentary (yes, I am a fan of documentaries and educational TV). Well, this movie rendered me speechless. It was one of the best movies I had seen in a long time. And, yes, it is a good reminder of where we started and where we need to move towards next.

gooddell said...

great post...