Monday 16 February 2009

2009, the year in advance.

Well I am officially over the Oscars race.

Everything has seen like a done deal since November and there is just no mystery anymore. I do say the magic appears to be gone.
I was going to start thinking about next years race and listing my predictions, but to be honest I am not that good at researching upcoming releases to see who may or may not be nominated for what.

Instead I am going to take five of the Oscar categories and place my top 12 'looking forward to' list. This will include the films as well as the performances in the four acting categories.


Because I hate trying to predict these awards. I am instead going to try and predict the MAFFE awards a year in advance (which films and performances will I nominated?)! I will hopefully have all five up before the Oscars are announced.

So keep yer eyes peeled.

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